Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Book Launch: Conversation with Mother Goddess

Natalie Kawai is a Spiritual Teacher and Guide. Born on the shores of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, she now lives in Hawaii. Clairaudient from birth, she has always been haunted by the mysteries of life, why we are here, and our role in the universe.

Moved by her intense desire always to go deeper in understanding the whys of the whys, she found the voice of the Great Mother of Creation twelve years ago. Since then, she has studied relentlessly with the Supreme Being in a constant and intense dialogue. This practice led her to understand why a gulf still exists between our divinity and our humanity. Under the Great Mother of Creation’s guidance, she founded LST™—Light Speed Transmutation—a radical system to restore our lost consciousness and drive out the last part of our ego.


FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/HolisticHealingIntensive

Google+ https://plus.google.com/+NatalieKawai808/posts

Twitter.com https://twitter.com/nataliekawai

Buried in our soul forever, there is a piece of us that has not as yet been activated. That piece is the lost consciousness, the missing link guiding us to wholeness. As human beings, we have sought wholeness and connection with each other in the best way we know how by mimicking and emulating Source as we understand it.

Unfortunately, we cannot find wholeness because we have been missing part of who we are. As a New Era dawns for humanity, we now have to complete the process by gaining the consciousness we lost when we first incarnated at the beginning of time.

Natalie Kawai has found the key to completing that process. In Conversations With Mother Goddess, she shares what she has learned through her dialogues with the Great Mother of Creation. Part explanation of humanity’s origins, and part conversation about how humanity can move into a new and complete future, this book will bend your mind in new and surprising ways, preparing it for the next step in your soul’s evolution.

Discover the part of you that you have always been yearning for, but never knew how to find. Join others in this exciting journey to restore harmony, creativity, and peace in all of us. Then prepare yourself to help bring about Heaven on Earth! It will happen if we all make the effort….

Grab your copy of the book today!


Author Top 10

orange and pink
thrillers with steam, intense passion, and emotions
Meryl Streep
Alex Mc Laughlin from Hawaii five-0 ( hi hi)  
 La Reina del Sur
Shaw-shank redemption  
Thelma & Louise
Legends of the Fall
Spy Game


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And enjoy all these great posts


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Model of Human Communication

I need this for school, so I'm going to post it here. Please go about your business. This isn't really me posting ;-).
Source (sender)/receiver - The initiator/receiver and encoder/decoder of a message. Senders and receivers will both encode and decode simultaneously.
Message - the verbal and nonverbal components of language sent to convey an idea.
Channel - the medium through which the message travels (e.g., verbal communication).
Feedback - the receiver's verbal and nonverbal responses to a message.
Noise - interference with effective transmission and reception of a message. Types of noise include physical, physiological, psychological, and semantic.
Context - the environment in which a communication experience takes place.