Saturday, April 3, 2010

General Conference Review: Saturday Morning Session

President Thomas S. Monson

Thank you for all you do to serve in your own areas and try to follow commandments. The Church is providing much humanitarian assistance in the world. A new temple is to be built in Payson, Utah and renovations have been announced for the Ogden Utah Temple. Dedications of three other temples will take place soon. The Church will continue to build temples as our membership grows. May we be continuously faithful in performing ordinances for those who cannot do it for themselves. Sister Monson is now home after her serious fall and is attending today. You can’t keep Sweedish girls down! President Monson told several stories regarding his courtship of Francis. Welcome to new members and love to those going through challenges.

President Boyd K. Packer

Today we are encamped against the greatest amount of sin ever before on the earth. In the the story of Gideon it was necessary to choose men to fight; those who bowed down to drink were not chosen. Those who drank while staying alert were chosen. It has been 180 years since the priesthood was restored. We will never dominate by numbers, but we have the priesthood. We can, and in due time certainly will, influence all of the world. It is crucial for everyone to understand what is expected of the brethren. The priesthood will lose great power if the sisters are neglected. The priesthood should be firmly fixed in the family to improve the quality of life in LDS homes. He tells the story of a young soldier going to the Vietnam War and wanting a blessing from Harold B. Lee. President Lee told him to get a blessing from his father instead and told him to teach his father how. Too many of our priesthood brethren are living below their expectations. That the works of the Lord will prevail is not the question. It is now our responsibility to activate the power of the priesthood on this earth. Fathers have a sacred calling in the home. All aspects of the Gospel are there to perfect and lift the family.

Sister Julie B. Beck

Never has there been a greater need for increased faith, personal righteousness, stronger homes. How do we increase faith and stand strong and immovable against difficulties? A good woman knows she does not have enough time to do all good and important things. She needs to constantly resist urges to be away from her time and responsibilities in the home. The ability to qualify and obtain personal revelation is great. Those who earnestly seek help from prayer and scripture study often have paper and pencil ready to write down notes/questions. Mothers can seek help even when children are clamoring. Still, they should do what they can to diminish distractions. The spirit will enlighten our minds; it comes when we are prepared for it and ask for it. Additionally, the Relief Society will help—it lifts women up and out of the troubled world. “Charity never faileth.” Good women should seek appreciation and praise from proper sources; we know we are doing well when we seek to help those in need.

Bishop Keith B. McMullin

Bishop McMullin tells the story of the Tenboom family in WWII and how they helped Jewish families. A guard from the concentration camp sought Cory Tenboom’s forgiveness after the war was over. It was hard for her to forgive. She said she never knew God’s love as intensely as she did as she forgave. Christ wants us to follow Him and pattern our lives after Him so we can leave the world richer and better. “Let us hear the conclusion of the matter… this is the whole duty of man.” Duty is a manifestation of one’s faith. As members, our path of duty is keeping our covenants in daily life. Honor God with our intelligence, our strength, and all our power. We can only complete our duty in and through Jesus Christ. How do we know our path of duty in the midst of crisis? We pray.

President Wilford W. Anderson

Quotes from pioneer diaries were filled with hope and faith. Their hearts were broken, but their spirits were strong. Hope does not depend upon circumstance. The true source of hope is Christ and His atonement. The earthquake in Haiti was devastating, but a committee of local Church leaders helped to direct generous contributions of resources and donations. Food, tents, medical supplies, doctors, and water purification tablets were distributed. Chapels became bases to help the people. Faithful Haitian Saints are filled with hope for the future. Hope, happiness, and joy are not products of circumstance, but are from the Lord. Rebuild your hope by rebuilding your faith. Faith grows by keeping the commandments, by righteousness. President Anderson read part of a letter about death of a father from cancer. they had peace from the promise their family would still be together forever.

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Mothers and daughters play a critical role to help each other in a world where womanhood and motherhood are being corrupted. They need to lead the world in all that is uplifting. Every accomplishment YW reach brings their mother joy; every heartaches is theirs, as well. Paul spoke of perilous times and specifically referenced silly women laden with sin. Popular culture often disrespects women and suggests women can only leave their mark in life with seduction. YW: Model yourselves after your faithful mothers rather than women of the world. Listen to you mom: when it comes to the matters of the heart and the Lord she has a wealth of knowledge. Love your mother, listen to her, trust her, be kind to her, be patient with her.

Mothers: Your example is extremely important to your daughters, even if they don't acknowledge it. Messages in society to your daughter are terribly wrong and they may not understand this. Show them how to make good choices. You are your daughters’ first line of defense against the world. Even when you think your daughter is not listening, she is still learning as she watches your behavior. Teach them to avoid temptation to gossip or find fault with one another. YW learn how to nurture by being nurtured. Encourage her and believe in her. Teach your daughters the importance of keeping covenants and then how to keep those covenants by going regularly to the temple. Teach them about moral/sexual matters. Frequent discussions about sexual matters, including modesty of clothing, are necessary. Point daughters to the scriptures and the priesthood power in their lives. It is critical that parents and children listen to and learn from each other. The Church is there to help, but the home is where the leaders of tomorrow are prepared and the gospel is taught and modeled.

Henry B. Eyring

Heavenly Father needs our help bringing His children home, to gain early the spiritual strength to stay on the path, and to help to get them on the path quickly when they start to stray. He tells the story of girl who lost her way; downward spiral started with poor choices that seemed exciting. The need to repent seemed unimportant. The only way for her to get out of the trap was to exercise faith—much harder than it would have been to exercise faith at the beginning of when the problems started. Jesus Christ makes our safe passage possible, but we have been assigned to stations to help guide people to safety along the way. Many of these assignments are in the family, others are primary workers, still others are Aaronic priesthood holders who pass the sacrament. Leaders know the strongest people in the ward should be called to help individual children in primary. Story of his son getting lost on way home from lesson. YM/YW programs are there to help youth to learn what need to learn, do what need to do, be what need to be. Help them feel they are on the path home to God because the path is hard, step, and can be discouraging. Encourage youth with praise and love. Exemplify to them in our own lives righteous living.

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