Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cultivating Gratitude #1

Kitty claimed a drumstick right away!

Well, my year of Saturday morning cartoons finally ended last week -- #52 marked that anniversary. So now it is time to start a new series, which I have decided will be Cultivating Gratitude. As Thanksgiving was this past week it is an easy (or rather appropro) week to begin it.

Sweetie Peach showing me her hand at Cad. She came in 2nd place!

Of course, what I am most thankful for in this world is my family, especially my three sweet kiddos. I was happy to see them playing so much with their cousins (a very rare treat for them as they only have a few). We spent two and a half solid days in activities with cousins, and they were in heaven. Especially, because Mimi (grandma) rented this fun thing all day on Thanksgiving:

But back to my kids--they are good students, responsible, respectful, and very loving. I have been tremendously blessed with such great kids. Sometimes I run out of patience with them (which is why I need to cultivate gratitude), but they are so willing to forgive. I love them for that quality. Someday I hope to be as good as my children.

Patch getting a head start on dinner with a roll.

Scripture of the Day: Jacob 4:3

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your cartoons they really were uplifting.

    Looking for to your Cultivating Gratitude.


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