Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Following the Prophet & Being Grateful

After reading President Monson's recent conference address I have been trying harder this week to be more grateful. But I have noticed that my kids are not always as grateful for the little things. For example, Sweetie Peach was mad this morning because Kitty did not want to do "walk to school" day with her and get the treat the school was providing for walkers. I told her she should be grateful because today she has a Lunchable for her lunch (a very rare occurrence in this part of the woods), which should be as good as the walking treat.

I don't think she believed me.

But maybe this is because I have not been verbal enough with my gratitude. Maybe it's because I have not set a good visual example for my kiddos.

I guess I should be thankful this is a month to dwell on gratitude :-).

Scripture of the Day: Psalms 100:1-5

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