Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Neck of the Woods

Things are quiet around here... not too much going on, which is really the way I like it best. Here are a few happenings:

1. Patch passed the sacrament for the first time today. I had to stay home with Kitty (who has a bad cough), so I missed it. But Steve said he did a great job, as though he had done it a hundred times before.

2. Sweetie Peach was making gingerbread cookies (from a mix) this evening. Steve let her dye half the dough green. Quite tasty looking...

3. We have played the board game Ticket to Ride every day the past four days. Patch beats me every time... what am I doing wrong?

4. I cooked my food storage turkey today. I buy a new one every November during the sales and store it in the deep freezer. If there is no reason to use it during the year then I have to cook it in October. It tasted yummy! Now I am looking forward to Thanksgiving.

5. The kitchen/laundry room water heater has not been working for a while now. The circuit breaker it is on died and we need to replace it to finally fix the problem. I am getting tired of boiling water to do some loads of laundry.

6. I am off to bed! Good night :-).

(Image credit)

Scripture of the Day: D&C 76:22-24


  1. Food storage turkey--what a great idea! Now *I'm* looking forward to Thanksgiving, too!

  2. I always buy at least 4 turkeys. I love to make turkey for Sunday dinner. Smoking them is fabulous too!

  3. I like calm times. We are in the midst of crazy days right now so a calm day sounds really nice.

    But about that picture . . . fall leaves? In Mesa??


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