Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Month, New Theme Time

I am still sick with a sinus infection that has really laid me out flat, but am hopefully on the mend now that I am on antibiotics. But with the beginning of a new month I wanted to post the new scripture theme I will be testing on my kids, which is about reverence. There is a poster of a chapel I drew and the scriptures are on the back of snowflakes. As with previous study themes, there are enough snowflakes to read one per day of the month and I will be letting the kids place them on the chapel poster, which reads, "I can be as reverent as a snowflake!" Maybe using snowflakes in August is just wishful thinking on my part, but when I proposed the idea of using "quiet as a mouse" my mom said it would then look like the chapel had a mouse infestation. I was never able to get that gross comment out of my head, so snowflakes it is! Here is what the chapel looks like:
The snowflakes I made and then saved from this fun website (you may recall I blogged about it several months back). I actually made six different ones to use.
Note: I woke up in the wee morning hours after posting this with the thought that it would be so cute to do it as a mobile! Love it when I have new ways to make scripture study fun and creative for my kids to enjoy.

Each of the scriptures of the day this month will be about reverence, too. Here is the first one: Hebrews 12:9


  1. Is there any way I can get the scriptures for the month ahead? I'd like to have them made ahead of time. Is that possible?

  2. Of course! If you send me a note to my email address I will send you the list of scriptures in a Word document. Thanks, Becky

  3. Just in case you haven't seen my e-mail address on my blog, it is


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