Monday, August 3, 2009

A Little Life Change is Coming

Next week school starts and my baby, Sweetie Peach, will be headed to school all day for first grade. I have really mixed feelings, but I think overall I am ready for her to go. To help stave off feelings of sadness (I know I will still cry that first day) I have begun to make a list of things I can do during my free time. Here is what I have so far... feel free to make suggestions. What would you want to do if you were in my situation?

1. Organize my home a little more. Not a lot--I don't want to spend all my time cleaning.

2. Work on my latest book; I hope to finish it this fall.

3. Go out to lunch with a friend or two.

4. Enroll in our stake institute class or take a community college class.

5. Volunteer at the kids' schools.

6. Work on some family albums--I am a little behind on these.

7. Go to the temple without worrying about the kids at home.

8. Maybe a DIY home improvement project or two--if i get a little extra $$.

9. Go to a chick flick in the middle of the day!

10. Do more indexing.

11. Run errands in a quick and efficient manner.

12. ???

It's not going to be too bad, right?

(Photo credits)

Scripture of the Day: Matt 16:15-19


  1. This is a happy, happy time! Having a little time to myself everyday has made me feel so much more like a real person again. I've loved being able to go to the temple by myself. Now I'm mourning the loss of this time as I head back to work in a few weeks. You'll love it!

  2. I had about a 6 month break from kids (between child 3 who went to Kindergarten & child 4 who was born in February). I loved going to the temple and I also enrolled in a Cantonese class at a nearby Community College. It was a great time. Good luck!

  3. These are some great things to do! I know that when I'm feeling a bit down, I love to hang out witha girlfriend.

  4. I, unlike many others, hate it when my kids go back to school and miss their companionship (but then they also are older and are a big help around the house). What you will find, though, is all that free time you think you will have will disappear. I still feel like I rarely have free time.

    I also found out I don't do well being at home all day by myself. I do better when I have time out with friends or service where I can socialize. So, I schedule my study/work time in the morning (I am a morning person) and then have something each day outside of my house to do as well. Balance :-)

    Good luck--it sounds like you have already thought of plenty to keep you busy.

  5. Great list! I would add, work out at home, take a nap and day date with hubby if he was home. :)

  6. Great list of things to do. My baby heads to 1st grade also. I start back to work at my childrens school right along with them as an Aide. I am really looking forward to it.

  7. If you have a photo album for each person in your family, do an FHE on sorting and putting together the photo albums. All the kids can do their own and you'll only need to go through pictures and divy them up. They'll love it!

    (That's what my mom did every few years when we had accumulated a box full of pictures. Good times!)


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