I did not realize before compiling this list that most of the romantic scriptures are from the Old Testament. The roots of the House of Israel were hot blooded, I guess :-). Anywhoo, if you are looking for a scripture or two for Valentine's Day, here are my favorites:
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 ("Two are better than one...")
Ecclesiastes 9:9 ("Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest...")
Songs of Solomon 1:2 ("Let him kiss me...")
Ruth 1:16 ("Entreat me not to leave thee...")
1 Corinthians 11:11 ("Neither is the man without the woman...")
Ephesians 5:25 ("Husbands love your wives...")
D&C 42:45 ("Thou shalt live together in love...")
Moses 3:24 ("Therefore shall a man leave...")
Want a romantic scripture story? Try Isaac and Rebekah's.
BTW I also highly recommend Orson Scott Card's fictional adaptations of the wives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob called the Women of Genesis Series (Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel and Leah).
There is also a good Valentine's scripture chase activity on Sugardoodle here.
Scripture of the Day: 1 Nephi 8:37
I love the Women of Genesis series. :)