I almost thought I wouldn't have a miracle to report this week, but then at the last minute it happened. In my rush to get ready for the trip I had been wanting to stop and get a new outfit at my favorite store, Coldwater Creek. I rushed over there Friday morning and arrived at 9:15 am only to see on the door that it was not going to open until 10 am. But there was a lady standing outside the door waiting, so I asked her if the store was not open yet. She said she thought they were supposed to be having a special store event for teachers from 9 am to 10 am, but no one had let her in yet. But then a few seconds later the manager came and let us in. I explained I was not a teacher, but wanted to get an outfit quickly before leaving on my trip. She said that was fine and I was able to get my outfit--and they even gave me the 10% special event discount! Yahoo!
Scripture of the Day: John 14:2