Friday, April 25, 2008

Year of Miracles #1

A ward friend does a weekly blessings post on her blog, which I have thought was a great idea. So to kind of copy her brilliance I thought I would blog about a weekly small miracle I have seen occur. To be honest, the idea makes me a bit nervous--what if none occur? But then I thought of a small sign I once saw on my mission that read, "Coincidences are miracles where the Lord prefers to remain anonymous."

So here is my little miracle for Week #1:
Yesterday I decided to get the air conditioning fixed on our old van. There was a problem with the car overheating whenever the air was used. Similar symptoms had occurred a year ago and the cost for the repair was about $100. I was a bit hesitant to actually incur this cost because we have had a few too many unexpected expenses lately and I am trying to get us back on budget. But the weatherman's forecast convinced me: near 100 degrees this weekend!

So I took the van in to Gunnell's and a few hours later the guy called and said it actually had a different problem than last time--just a gallon and a half low on coolant. They ran a number of other tests and couldn't find anything else wrong, and letting it idle for a while showed there were no more overheating problems. And when I went to pick it up the guy at the counter said, "No charge." I was so shocked!! It was a little miracle and a huge blessing for us. Many thanks to Gunnell's and to a knowing Heavenly Father.

Scripture of the Day: D&C 107:20

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