It's hard to believe some of these were actually reported to the police at BYU. It seems some local residents up there are a bit paranoid... or at least have no sense of humor:-).
Someone stripped the left front turn signal off a 1987 Dodge Raider in the 2nd level parking lot in the JFSB. The estimate damage is $25.
Someone cemented ceramic animals on rocks of the waterfall near the Bell Tower Sept. 5. The officer took down 14 different ceramic animal figures that were half-cemented to the rocks.
A female student reported that someone was tapping at her window at John Hall in Helaman Halls Sept. 3 and she saw a mannequin head on a pole. There were 15 people in the area with two heads on poles. The case is closed and there are no suspects.
A father was trying to play Cupid between a Bookstore employee and his son. He tried to pressure her to go out with him but she told him that she didn’t want anything to do with her son.
Scripture of the Day: (still on #2) Exodus 32:8
Just a reminder: be sure to enter Pike's Pickles giveaways this week! You can enter for all five days, or just those you are interested in. Today's giveaway is the game Blink.
Okay, I love this. I check this every week!