Saturday, September 6, 2008

Year of Miracles #20

For the past three months I have not had any consulting jobs to do. This is fairly typical of summertime, but this summer it has been particularly hard. I think it is due to the higher grocery prices and gas prices... the higher expenses just make it harder to make ends meet. I still have had some work to do for WG, but again the income has been lower than usual. A lot lower.

The first part of this miracle is that I have actually been tracking our expenses. You see, I am not a budgeting kinda gal. I don't like to be told what I can spend and where and when. I just want to be able to spend it.

Now, dear reader, don't jump to conclusions here; I am a responsible spender {i.e., live within my means and have refrained from going into any debt except for the mortgage}, but still I don't like budgeting. Oh, to live budget free! Maybe I should have married for money ;).

But getting back to my miracle, this past spring our wise bishop counseled the ward members to work on their budgeting skills. So in the beginning of June (note I did not start in the spring when the actual counsel was given; maybe I should have...) I started a spread sheet and started tracking our spending to get a good feel for what would work for a budget. Thank heaven I did this because after three months of it I can really see what the impact of my lack of earning (or shortage thereof) truly is! Maybe bishops really are called through the power of revelation!

The second part of this miracle is that as a result of seeing the negative impact of my lack of earning is that I started praying for more work opportunities. To be honest I have been hesitant to do this because I hate to have the clash of working and being a mom. But what's necessary is necessary.

On Thursday I had a call from a previous client asking for bids on two projects--which I attribute as a direct answer to prayer. Granted the bids have not yet received actual project approval, but I will exercise my faith in their behalf. I mean, tomorrow is fast Sunday, right? I'll let ya know what happens...

Scripture of the Day: (for commandment #2) Leviticus 26:1

1 comment:

  1. Way to listen to council! You're prayers have always been answered in the past. . .so I see a bright future for your as well :)

    And your police beat reports are so funny!

    I look forward to you joining me for yoga next week. It'll be a great workout :)


Comments are much appreciated!