You may have noticed I have not posted much about Thanksgiving. The food was great and I made a delicious fruit salad to take. But the day was not ideal (to say the least). This is because the morning of Thanksgiving brought unexpectedly harsh words from a loved one. Although I apologized during the encounter I did not handle the situation as well as I should have and the result was a day tainted with negative and overwhelming thoughts.
No matter how hard I tried to stay focused on the joy of the holiday it was difficult not to relive the situation in my mind and dwell on damage in the relationship. By the end of the day I was mentally and emotionally worn out so I left my husband and kids at my MIL's and drove home to seek the comfort of my scriptures.
One of my favorite phrases in the scriptures is the description of Christ as the Repairer of the Breach (Isaiah 58:12). What I wanted was this breach to be repaired and the negative feelings to give way to the love and confidence normally in the relationship. So I turned in my scriptures to Third Nephi and read several chapters about the Savior teaching the gospel to the Nephites. I felt slightly soothed from my study and was able to sleep well that night.
Over the next few days I read some more of the Savior's words and tried hard to see things from a new perspective. The temple brought additional solace and I began to worry about the best way to approach my loved one to help get past the difficulty. I prayed that I would be given the right words that would truly "repair" the situation. But nothing was really coming to mind.
Then last night I unexpectedly had a call from my loved one and without thinking or planning out popped some words that brought ease and even humor to the conversation. I was so surprised at this little miracle, but so grateful that a resolution was able to be reached. The Savior truly is the Repairer of the Breach.
Scripture of the Day: Jacob 7:23
I would pick the snack mix. I ALWAYS get Malted Milk Balls for every birthday. I'm thinking of having a 'food storage' Christmas and having each kid get me a case of their favorite food. (Cheerios, Mac & Cheese, you get the idea)