Saturday, October 4, 2008

Year of Miracles #24

General Conference was fabulous today! There were multiple talks that I really enjoyed... a lot of great advice to contemplate and then try to implement into my life. And although there is the miracle of being able to hear prophets speak 600+ miles away while sitting on my family room couch...

And the miracle of hearing revelation meant just for me...

And the miracle of a temple being built in Rome ;-) ...

The true miracle this week was being able to listen to the afternoon session with NO kids interrupting! A truly amazing miracle! Between sessions they were playing with some neighbor kids and they ended up watching the afternoon session AT the neighbor's house watched by one of our favorite babysitters (FREE). And the babysitter even made them listen and write a paragraph about what they heard! Won't she make a great mom some day?

Scripture of the Day: Proverbs 3:9


  1. Wasn't it great today? I was deeply moved more than once. And... tears are a good thing; very cleansing. :)

    Glad you got to watch 'noise free' a bit. Sometimes that's just really nice!

    Thanks for such a great blog!

  2. Oh so nice! Strange how our kids'll do things for others that they won't do for us sometimes, huh? Yeah for the fantastic babysitter!!! I hope you get to enjoy tomorrow just as much.

  3. How awesome! Can I send my teenagers to her house to watch conference :)

  4. Oh my goodness, I'm so jealous. I spent the morning sessions of conference trying to keep my 1 year old from trying to destroy all the conference activities I had prepared for my 4 and 5 year olds. Luckily afternoon sessions corresponded with her nap. :)


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